miércoles, 3 de noviembre de 2004

Historia del miércoles: inocencia.

(Hay tiempo para una historia, a pesar del proyecto de novela)

Ese niño que llora, gime y patalea porque su madre acaba de negarle una palmera es el mismo niño que, todos los días, espera ansioso en el colegio a que llegue su compañero Manuel, el chico tímido del fondo, ese que no tiene apenas amigos y que no habla con nadie; y le recuerda, insistentemente, que como no le de su euro de la merienda, le tirará al suelo y, ayudado de sus amigos, le marcará la cara pegándole patadas, sin importarle el hecho de que cada vez que se lo dice, ese niño llora, gima y patalea porque su madre no le da un euro para la merienda.

(Attempt of english translation. Help welcome Special thanks to Etanisla)
The boy that cries and groans because his mother refuses to buy him a cake is the same guy boy that, every day, in the school, waits anxiously eagerly for his mate Manuel, that shy child (the boy nobody talks to, that has no friends of his own) and quickly remembers him reminds Manuel to bribe him with give him a dollar to avoid being pulled down and kicked beaten, no matter with littlethought on how aloud he loudly Manuel cries and groans because that his mother refuses to give him a dollar for his meal.

1 comentario:

José Moya dijo...

Etanisla sent me a (much better) translation of this story. I wonder:
-How could I use "remember" instead of "remind"
-Why did I use "aloud" instead of "loudly".

If I used "guy" and "kid" and "child", althought I know they are used for different ages, is because I wanted to avoid repeating words.