sábado, 12 de junio de 2004

Games: Nether Earth Remake

Nether Earth was the very first run time strategy (RTS) game. Now, you can play a colorful remake (edit: mirror) of it.
The objective of Nether Earth is to conquer all robot factories and bases of an isometric world. You start with a robot base and you have to design and make robots to conquer enemy and neutral bases. Designing powerful but balanced robots is a challenging task, specially when your opponent starts building faster and smarter robots. Will you be able to defeat them?
Although a remake of an early game, Nether Earth is mind-boggling. I think you could give it a chance: it's a nice game.

Nether Earth fue el primer juegoo de estrategia en tiempo real (RTS). Ahora puedes jugar a un remake a todo color de ese juego.
El objetivo de Nether Earth es conquistar todas las fábricas y bases de robots de un mundo isométrico. Comienzas con una base de robots y debes diseñar y fabricar robots para conquistar las bases neutrales o enemigas. Diseñar robots potentes pero equilibrados es un auténtico reto, especialmente cuando tu oponente construye robots mas rápidos, potentes e inteligentes. ¿Serás capaz de derrotarlos?
Aunque es un remake de un juego antiguo, creo que Nether Earth es interesante. Deberías probarlo: está bastante bien.

2 comentarios:

José M.S. Vaz dijo...

Hi! The link to Netherearth game from braingames is broken, can you please help me to find the game ?

Gracias Amigo

puedes reponder-me para berenvaz@gmail.com

José Moya dijo...

There is a forum for the game at same server,

wich says server will be down for some days. 30 days have been passed
since it, but you could ask your question in the forum.